HistoryAs reported in the Feilding Star Issue 20, 23 August 1882 page 3 “A meeting of persons interested in the formation of a Fire Brigade for Feilding was held in the commercial room of the Denbigh Hotel..” However despite a call for public subscriptions it was 1888 before the Feilding Volunteer Fire Brigade was formed.
The Feilding Borough Council eventually agreed to donate £25 annually, on the condition the money was used to sink wells in various parts of the Borough.
Feilding's first Fire Engine was purchased by Messrs. P. Thompson and A.E. Eade, in 1891. Tea meetings and a Grand Ball were held, both raising money to help with the payments for the new engine. The first blaze at which the town water was used was at Messrs. Rouse and Hurrell Carriage Builders, opposite the Drill Hall, in 1905. The Fire Board was formed in 1907, and from that time on the Brigade has had the most up-to-date equipment and the best efficiency. Search
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